re island e-bike rental

by Dec 1, 2021Uncategorized

Why you should rent an e-bike during your trip in re island

If you plan a trip in ile de re, you have to know that biking is the best way to discover this island. However, even if there bikes road are perfect to practice biking, rent an e-bike can be a very good option for you. And here is why:

1. To braoden you horizon

Re island is also known as “biking island”. Indeed, with more than 140km of dedicated bike road, you can drive with a full safety feeling. And if you want to go even further, don’t hesitate, rent an electric bike.

The Ile de Ré has around 140km of cycle paths. These tracks connect each point of the island. Once you arrive at your place of residence, you can leave your car in the garage and only use your bike. Whether you want to go into town, to the neighboring villages, or simply to the beach, everything is planned so that your bicycle is enough for you. However, the distances can sometimes seem important between two points of interest. In this case, we advise you to rent a VAE (or electrically assisted bicycle). With an average range of 80 km, you are sure to be able to return to your accommodation effortlessly. Thus, you can visit quietly, and even enjoy your evening without being too tired.

Imagine: going from one end of the island to the other is about 40 km, or 80 km round trip. With a standard bike, only the best trained can afford to consider such a walk during the day. With an electric bike, this becomes possible for anyone who knows how to hold a handlebar.

To book your bike: VAE rental on the Ile de Ré

2. Because children are heavy

A family vacation spot par excellence, the Ile de Ré is a paradise for adults and children alike. And to make your rides lighter, there’s nothing like a good electric bike.

As we have seen previously, the Ile de Ré is a paradise for the amateur cyclist who likes to stroll on the tracks lost in the middle of nature, in the salt marshes or by the sea. In family, it is even more true. If you have young children, you will need to put them on your bike with a baby seat, or behind it, with a suitable trailer. To choose the right bike for you, you can read our article Choosing the right rental bike .

With a standard bike, the weight can quickly become an obstacle to your pleasure. Imagine yourself with a baby seat, one (or more) bag for the beach, the eventual picnic… Difficult to pedal in these conditions. Treat yourself, hire a VAE on the Ile de Ré, no risk of regretting it!

3. Because sometimes the weather can surprise

In summer, the thermal end of the day, in autumn and spring the Atlantic depressions. On the Ile de Ré, the wind is blowing. And on a bike, it’s quite unpleasant.

Due to its geographical position, the Ile de Ré is relatively exposed to the winds of the Atlantic Ocean. Thus, on average, the wind is above 10 knots 50% of the time. Even in summer, when it is hot, a thermal wind rises at the end of the day. And to see the number of windsurfers or kitesurfers going out at that time, believe us, it’s blowing pretty hard.

On a bike, a headwind can quickly become a nightmare. Especially when he arrives without warning at the end of the day, while you are at the other end of the island. With a VAE on the other hand, no problem. The return is made without incident. You will arrive fresh and ready for the aperitif, and will be ready to leave the next day.

Our VAE rental offers on the Ile de Ré are specifically designed so that you can take 100% pleasure rides. Indeed, our bikes, all electric, have excellent autonomy, and can carry everything you need. So, don’t hesitate any longer, discover our bikes .

For a statistical overview of the winds on the Ile de Ré

4. Because the electric bike is a bike

Whatever some purists say, the electric bike is above all a bike. And it’s better to have a lot of e-bikes than no bikes at all.

For all the reasons mentioned above, it can be extremely wise to hire a VAE on the Ile de Ré. Rather than renting a mechanical bike, and being disgusted with it on the second day, it is infinitely more profitable to rent an electric bike.

  • Whatever one may say, pedaling on an eBike is an effort, and it is therefore beneficial for your health. And half an effort is better than no effort at all.
  • Nothing prevents you from choosing a low level of assistance, even if it means increasing it if necessary, during a gust of wind or a sudden fatigue for example. It is therefore additional security, and less stress.
  • Pedal at your own pace, so you’ll enjoy the ride much better, since you’re not concentrating on your effort. Let yourself go to observe nature or simply chat with your travel companion.

5. Because a good electric bike changes everything

As with renting a standard bike, renting a good electric bike can change everything

Not all bikes are created equal. Neither do all e-bikes. Now that we have convinced you (finally, we hope!) of the usefulness of renting an electric bike, here are a few tips to ensure you are not mistaken when renting an e-bike on the Ile de Ré. So what is a good bike?

  1. Opt for electric assistance in the pedals. Indeed, bikes with motors placed in the rear wheel take longer to react, and it is often necessary to cover a few meters before the assistance starts. Not very pleasant during a crossing or a slight slope.
  2. Opt for a battery of at least 400 watt hours. This will ensure you a reasonable autonomy for the day.
  3. Rent a sturdy bike (which looks sturdy to you). The greater weight of the equipped bicycle can generate an unpleasant feeling of deformation of the frame when riding.
  4. Ask your rental company for a sturdy lock and attach your bike to a fixed point. Thefts are certainly few on the island, but they are not zero.
  5. And above all, choose to wear a helmet. While not mandatory for people over 12, they can save your life if you fall.

At le vélo van, all our bikes are perfectly equipped and meet all these criteria. They allow you to ride safely with two children or one adult behind you. So don’t hesitate any longer, for your VAE rental on the Ile de Ré , choose the van bike !

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